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Presenter: Tom Wood | MRA Webinar Series |
Anchors are a fundamental component of nearly every rope rescue system. But what options are available to the rescuer who is confronted with sub-optimal anchors or a fall line that just doesn’t jibe with a single anchor point? Load sharing anchors to the rescue! This presentation covers important anchor building considerations like knot selection, load distributing versus load sharing anchors, man-made versus natural anchors and multi-point anchor angle forces.

Tom Wood is a 17 year veteran of the Alpine Rescue Team in Evergreen, Colorado and has a passion for surrounding himself with acronyms. He has served as the ART Field Director since 2013. The MRA’s alternate delegate to ICAR, Tom is a Level One NCRC (National Commission for Cave Rescue) trained cave rescuer. His day job is that of TM (Training Manager) for PMI’s (Pigeon Mountain Industries) VRS (Vertical Rescue Solutions). He is a SPRAT (Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians) EC (Evaluations Committee) member and Level 3 Supervisor, sits on the NATE (National Association of Tower Erectors) Safety and Education Committee and participates in the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) F-32 SAR Committee. Tom is a Kent State graduate with a degree in photojournalism, has served in the USMCR as a Combat Photographer and in his meager spare time, he works as a freelance photographer, writer and author. A husband and father of three, Tom is an active ice climber and caver.