5 Important Technical Rescue Challenge Competitions in the United States
Looking to hone your skills?
Consider participating in a Rescue Challenge competition. There are a wide range of technical rescue competitions hosted by different companies in the United States.
Competition is arguably an excellent way for rescue teams to hone and refine skills, and to learn from scenarios that might differ from what they see at home. Rescue competitions have been common for more than twenty years, with the challenge of responding to simulated emergency incidents helping to build teamwork, maintain compliance with OSHA training/practice requirements, and consider types of incidents that might not be common in their own jurisdiction.
Some of the benefits of Rescue Challenge events include:
• Individual skills proficiency test
• Promote teamwork and camaraderie
• Learn from different scenarios
• Gain confidence
• Sharing of knowledge experience with others
• Documentation of team capabilities
So, check out our list of the most important rescue challenges in the USA:
Focus of this competition?
Confined space and technical rescue, 7 scenarios
How many years does this competition exist?
More than twenty
What kind of organizations participate?
Industrial rescue teams, municipal rescuers
How many teams are competing?
Six to eight teams of six persons each
Who can register to compete?
Rescue teams
Teams & individuals are evaluated based on OSHA 1910.126 and NFPA 1006
When/where is the next one?
October 23-24, 2019; Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Why do we think you should be there and watch?
For more than two decades, Roco has conducted its Annual Rescue Challenge event for rescue teams from across the nation. At Rescue Challenge, teams are put to the test with ever-changing confined space and elevated rescue scenarios designed to simulate actual emergency incidents. While not a competition, trophies are awarded for the best performances in the infamous “Yellow Brick Road” multi-station, rescue-relay event and for individual skills performance.
Here you can learn earn from realistic confined space scenarios, gain confidence in rescue skills and teamwork abilities, enjoy excellent training while interacting with rescue pros, share ideas, experiences and techniques with other teams and document your team’s rescue capabilities. For compliance purposes, participating teams will meet the annual practice requirements of OSHA 1910.146 by completing scenarios in all six confined space types. Each scenario is debriefed by evaluators and written documentation is provided to each team upon completion of the event.
This year’s event will be held on October 23-24 at the Roco Training Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Teams are required to have at least six persons, and observer registration is also available. Advanced registration is required. For more information, contact Roco at 800-647-7626. You can LIKE on Facebook or check out photos from previous events at https://www.rocorescue.com/rescue_challenge
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RQC – Technical Rescue Association of Virginia
Focus of this competition?
Technical rescue
How many years does this competition exist?
Since 1995
What kind of organizations participate?
USAR Strike Teams and Task Force members
How many teams are competing?
12 teams of six persons each
Who can register to compete?
Rescue teams
NFPA 1006
When/where is the next one?
May 5-9 2019; Richmond/ Henrico County Area, Virginia
Why do we think you should be there and watch?
This renowned rescue challenge was designed in 1995 to test and hone the ability of USAR teams to solve complex rescue problems in a variety of response categories. For more than 25 years as many as 200 firefighters from across the gather annually to put their skills to the test based on national standards. Scenarios might include any number of response types including confined space, rope rescue, cave rescue, industrial accidents, water towers, and more. Using the term “challenge” rather than “competition”, this competitive event offers some of the most realistic and challenging training available at a national level. RQC 2019 will be held May 5-9 in Virginia – this event books up fast! You can LIKE on FB or visit RQC website.
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Focus of this competition?
Mine rescue
How many years does this competition exist?
Since 1998
What kind of organizations participate?
Mine Rescue Teams
How many teams are competing?
As many as 25+ teams from 13 countries
Who can register to compete?
Bona-fide Mine Rescue Teams (must prove legitimacy)
International mine rescue standards
When/where is the next one?
Why do we think you should be there and watch?
This unsurpassed event performs a key role in fostering international cooperation on mine rescue issues and to prevent future tragedy in mine incidents.
The International Mines Rescue Competition (IMRC) is a project of the International Mines Rescue Body. This organization came into being after a tragic incident that occurred in Poland in February 1998. During this incident, the lives of 6 mine rescuers were lost. During the ensuing investigation, the Polish State Mining Authority (WUG) and Central Mines Rescue Station (CSRG) learned that MSHA in the USA had been hosting the competition for approximately 100 years. In a united effort to help refine and sharpen the skills of mine rescuers worldwide, these organizations worked together to host the first international mines rescue competition. Today the semi-annual competition draws more than 25 teams from as many as thirteen countries. The next IMRC Competition will be held in the year 2020. To learn more about the international mines rescue body visit IMBR website; for more information on mine rescue competitions in North America, visit MSHA.
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Focus of this competition?
Technical rescue.
How many years does this competition exist?
New for the United States, coming the first year.
What kind of organizations participate?
Technical Rescue teams.
How many teams are competing?
10 teams of seven persons each.
Who can register to compete?
Rescue teams
When/where is the next one?
March 2019, Los Angeles, CA
Why do we think you should be there and watch?
To foster learning and collaboration within the global rescue community
The original Grimpday is an international challenge formed in 2006 in Namur, Belgium, by members of Namur’s regional fire department. It was designed to bring together search and rescue teams from around the world (firefighters, civil defense, military, and police). The European competition has seen as many as 30 teams completing 10 scenarios over two days throughout the city. This year, a North American rendition of the event, Grimp NA will be held onboard the Battleship USS IOWA in Los Angeles, CA. Ten teams of seven people each are expected to compete in five rescue scenarios over the course of the two-day competition, including high angle rescue, confined space rescue and rope access techniques. You can follow GRIMP Belgium on FB or learn more about the North America competition at https://www.cmcpro.com/grimp-na/
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Focus of this competition?
Technical rescue is one category of their competition, they also have BLS, BLS YOUTH, and FIRST RESPONDER competitions
How many years does this competition exist?
Since 1948
What kind of organizations participate?
Technical Rescue teams of all kinds
How many teams are competing?
12 teams of seven persons each
Who can register to compete?
Rescue teams
When/where is the next one?
June 19-20 / College Station, Texas
Why do we think you should be there and watch?
Excellence in training through dedication, determination, and brotherhood!
Since 1948, the International Rescue and Emergency Care Association (IRECA) has set the standard for World Class Technical Rescue competitions, with Technical Rescue being just one of the four different events that they feature at their annual conference. This year, 12 teams of seven people each will participate in the 2-day Technical Rescue Challenge, which is comprised of 3-5 different rope-based scenarios. The team is evaluated and scored on technical skills as well as patient as they work through industrial, municipal and rural scenarios including elevated pickoffs, confined space, artificial high directionals, and more. To help ensure that all teams rely primarily on team member capabilities rather than expensive specialty gear, only a very basic complement of equipment is permitted. Skills and knowledge are prized above tools and equipment as teams prove their ability to complete a safe and effective rescue. This is a very thorough event, and includes a separate four-person First Responder competition on June 18 and a BLS competition on the 21st.
You can LIKE them on FB or find more information at IRECA website.
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Technical rope rescuers are united by a unique solidarity that surpasses language barriers, regional differences or other limitations. Wherever rescuers gather, there is generally a passionate dialog over rigging, techniques and philosophies. The more you exercise your knowledge, the more it will develop.
If you are a member of a technical rescue team, there’s nothing like a Rescue Challenge to get your blood pumping and expand your creativity. Whether your specialty is confined space, mine rescue, fireground, or just simply rope rescue, consider attending a Rescue Challenge this year.
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